Thursday, March 27, 2014

Watching Through The Window

We all know the world is in constant motion on many different levels. The two differing celestial levels. Revolving around the Sun and rotating while journeying on its path. It's not just the planet it's the lifeforms on it up to and including the ones designated as people. I used to live in a place where the living room had this giant street level picture window.

On my rocker
Well actually, in my office/lounge chair I would watch as people went pass. Some on foot. Others by car, motorcycle or even bicycle. Some alone with the look of determination. Others conversing with a companion or two. And yes there were the obligatory drivers on cellphone talking and or texting along. All with their own agendas oblivious to all round them and particularly if you ever asked one of them oblivious to me watching.

It's a scientific fact
A person can only process up to two instances unfolding around them. If you don't believe that have three or four people talk to you at the same time about different subjects. Even for the most acute the most one can process of the four is two. Many who do will have inaccuracies in the recounting of those conversations.

Back at the picture window
I was seeing what was really parts of many things as a whole. From there I would even grasps bits of knowledge and create little stories and articles as a whole. All the while was world was spinning as it paced itself around the Sun.

The point
We all have the vision into the world thru that big picture window of our own choosing. And even if we are looking at the same thing, somehow our collections will vary and yet still have degree of accuracy.
Why because it's all subjective to your personal perception. And at times that's colored by our interpretations sometimes called opinion. Now think a moment. This rotating roundish ball of mud and other such things racing through space contains millions or may billions of these perceptions and opinions taking place at one time at any given moment. Now armed with this knowledge do you think you can spare a moment to create a perception or form an opinion on how you can express a creative way to make someone else's day just a little bit better at any particular time you perceive would be just the right time? Look out the picuture window of your choosing and think about it.

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The Process of Achieving

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Value In Timeliness

You cannot do a kindness too soon,
for you never know how soon it will be too late.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

He who hesitates when seeing someone in need often regrets their own lack of action. That statement is not only a truism but it is also a proven common daily event. And the question is why?

A pattern of behavior
Studies have been performed that prove the more people present and witness a situation in a person needs assistance the less likely someone will step forward to help. People will film or take pictures of the event but they won't lend a hand to help the person in trouble.

A sad show of reality
I recently took a course centering on human behavior. In one lecture section we were shown a video of an elderly person crossing a busy street. There was quite a few pedestrians present. The person was hit by a car and continued to lay in the way of the flowing traffic. People can be seen watching and pointing before turning away. Cars would continue on jockeying around the victim lying in the street. A couple of cars nicked the person stopped for a few seconds then continued on. Even more startling was the person filming the event was close enough to take action but instead continued to record it. Did the victim live or die? It appeared no one present seem to care.

In opposition
A similar event was shown. It was also filmed. The difference was the was only one person other than the cameraman on the scene. That person without hesitation rushed out halted traffic and began to give assistance to the victim.

The facts
We were assured neither event was staged. As I noted studies have been conducted to back up the reality behind both events being established patterns in human behavior. That brings up some questions about those who took the course which includes myself and you who are reading this presentation. Unlike the course I chose to start off with the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. For those that took the course will you if encountering a situation where a person is in need be more inclined to buck the trend and offer assistance no matter what? For those of you who read this piece including the quote, with this knowledge will you create change and enact a show of kindness.

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Self Belief

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Stigma of Poverty

I'll just have you read the quote embellished on the image of Norman Mailer. Poverty is a worldly problem. It is indigenous to all countries. It is a plight that sucks innocent people into a cycle few of the entrapped ever break free of. And what's worse is that the more affluent feed off it.

The Joys of Jamaica
Being of the marrying kind (twice and I'm sure there's another in waiting somewhere) I spent one honeymoon (short lived trust me) at a resort in Jamaica. I love to horseback ride. Where ever I go Puerto Rico, Atlanta, Florida, anywhere I look for a facility to go horseback riding. It always is a highlight of any trip for me. Well me and my “divorce to be” did so. Part of the ride included a trip through a backwoods area. All the shelters were slapped together corrugated rusty metal shacks with no electric or plumbing. The people would come out to see us and wave. Who knows when their last meal or what their last meal was. For me, what should have been a tremendous highlight became a sickening slap in the face. You see we were vacationing in opulence right next to a shanty town wallowing in filth and poverty. The abundance of food thrown away in a day by our resort could have fed these people for a month. And just to think they had to barely get by through the yearly hurricane season in these metal hovels while elegant shelter stood a stone's throw away.

It's no different elsewhere
Years ago a supermarket chain commissioned a study that found a full time worker with a family of four qualified for government assistance. Yeah, that's here in the good old USA. One of our glorious fast food chain that happens to make billions had it's employee helpline advise workers to apply for government assistance. A food chain brought in a new CEO to guide the company out of bankruptcy. In less than two years the chain went under and it's rumored that the CEO was listed as a creditor, his severance package wasn't large enough. It's a quite common practice for businesses flourishing in the millions and billions to offer low pay to those who really are the reason the companies profit.

And so the cycle of poverty persists
There's something wrong in the overall business model where the main company flourishes and the workers barely get by. One theme a chain store promoted to it's employees was to shop there, show your support and company pride. The problem was most couldn't afford to. We can only create change when companies start paying on a scale that allows the employees to share in some way in the profits. Many smaller businesses do and they don't rake in that of the higher profit stores and businesses. But their employees are happier, stay longer, and seem to afford a better lifestyles.

Poverty In America (Full Feature) from Rich Naran on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What Have I Done For Mr Lately?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Acceptance: The Good Way and The Bad Way

A Semi-Satirical Analysis

We are experiencing hard times here at home in the USA. They are nothing compared to the situation in Syria or Durfar. Still, we have the highest percentage of poverty per capita among what's called as the developed nations. A point supported by Jeffery Sachs author of “The End of Poverty.”

A question asked
During one of the previous presidential debates a woman in the audience asked why if we have the problems (poverty, hunger and so on) in our own country why do we send billions in aide overseas? As you can imagine the answers were all over the map in many ways. Still, they all gave a valid reason for the practice. To further the point almost all the analysis from political commentators supported the explanations in their feedback. Note, I said almost all. I didn't check in with Ann Coulter nor do I intend to.

We do this in everyday life
We question things around us, about us, and within us. And at times our inner self, the political analyst within comes up with either a true acceptance or finds a self justified acceptance for either our actions or stances on a concerned issue. In other words some of these are valued truisms and others closer to the line of being a form of lies.

The heart of the matter
A common theme in my research in the field of creativity lately is that it was found that most creative people are the best liars. Not just from a few sources but from a large majority. And the articles and reports almost always were slanted as if to say that was a good thing. For me, this both acceptance in a good way and a bad way. Why, because it steals the luster from being a creative person. Not one of these sources gave justification for indicating being a liar is a good thing other than being an adjunct to the creative personality. Also it not a good personal representation of the person called me.

My conclusion
We must then categorize politicians as part of the creative community. Which could possibly be the only point Ann Coulter and I may ever be in agreement with. Which I will say I resent but I don't know if it's due to the former or the latter or maybe both. So, in line with being contrary to the title of this article I can't decide whether any of this can be labeled “Acceptance- The Good Way and The Bad Way.” The reason why is I reject it all even Ann Coulter except the point of the existence of a high level of poverty in America.. I do have acceptance that we have the resources and the ability to either reduce this aberration or eliminate it. And I will add I do not have acceptance in the fact it even exists at all. We have the creativity and the knowledge to end this plight. Maybe one of the questions at the aforementioned debate should have been “Why aren't we doing so?”

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Power of Color