Monday, November 25, 2013

Defining Personal Power

What is meant by the term “personal power”? To start with it's not about the physical elements of power. It's not about imposing your will on others. It's about the sharing of yourself to empower others to step forward or even up to the next level. Remember the book and video phenomenon “The Secret”? It was all a rehash of the power of attraction. But, they missed the boat. They failed to emphasize it's relationship with personal power. And that is the real secret.

Explaining the real secret
The power of attraction is fueled by personal power. Not just any personal power either. The personal power that comes from within each and everyone. That includes you. You need to understand we all have it in us.

Another part of the secret
Personal power is very much like the muscles in the body. It needs to be in motion in order to develop. That also means not only using it but challenging it and feeding it with the right nutrition. Yes, the mind is very much like the body. As such they are both subject to one of the driving forces of daily living. That being the personal choices you make.

How to develop personal power
One of the most potent ways to grow this muscle is to share in the positive in a way the not only empowers you, but others as well. It can be with something as simple as a smile or kind words. It may also could in a reflection that again flaunts the positive in an action, event, or situation. Other tools are kindness, empathy, and selflessness.

Finally, truly defining personal power

Okay, this is the ultimate secret. You are the force behind defining your own personal power. There are no outside resources. It all comes from within. You don't need a Yoda or Obi Wan to show you how to access and grow this power. What you do need is to take positive action.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Confronting A Situation

I had a conversation with person. We had been conversing over a period of time about a wrongness of a situation and how it would eventually be yet another person who would innocently pay the consequences. Since the party causing the problem was blowing me off, I suggested the person I was conversing with go with me and confront the one who was the source of this growing dilemma. It was our place to do so since we were equally connected. The person refused. On one hand this person thought the best option was to let things play out. On the other hand this same person admitted it needed to be stopped. As I was kept at bay the situation exploded and the innocent person paid the price. My partner in conversation now resorts to the cop out “There was nothing that could have been done away.”

It comes with the ability to morph a perspective life in a self serving way. People who are apathetic wash out their guilt with excuses and more apathy. They will complain hard and loud when there own apathy comes back to bite them. They were wronged, even though if they had taken the opportunity to prevent it from coming about.

I don't know which is worse

People who are apathetic or the people who see it and ignore it's existence. Both are the lowest form of person you can encounter. Yet, let's face it, this is all an everyday fact of life. In order to create change we need to take positive action which may mean confronting these types of people. Sure it's best to be creative in the approach but here the end truly justifies the means.

The Latest From Rich Naran

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Imagine That

A world that is a better place to be, live and work. Imagine that. Maybe we don't have to if you are like me and live in the grand old USA. You know the place once known as the land of milk and honey. Imagine that. Unemployment is high. Layoffs are announced daily. The healthcare system is in trouble going through a transition phase from where it was in trouble. I guess we don't have to imagine that, we are living it. Yet, we all know we live in a better place. Now really, imagine that.

The American dream is still based upon the same principles it was founded on. Yes, to many it's not a dream but a nightmare. Why? There is no hiding, These are hard times. Still, there's opportunity. Maybe you can't look for it, you have to create it. It comes with a couple of those founding principles. I like to call them faith and belief. They also happen to be integral elements of the core of creativity. By no means do they come with the guarantee it's gonna be easy. I do guarantee they won't be.

Rumor has it they get children to smile and even laugh in Syria. Imagine that. Nobody wants to be living the hell they are going though. Certainly children don't deserve that. But to find a way to smile in those conditions is special. Can things be better here? Yes but it's a tough road. It's up to each and everyone of us to create our own path to navigate. It all begins when we take the first step then the next and so. We have it within us we do. Just make it real. Imagine that

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Creativity: Is It Learned Or Innate

I was talking with a friend who told a story of her now one year old son suddenly having put together a string of words that as far as she know he was never exposed to. Yet he created a sentence on his own. The event mirrored material in a learning module I recently studied online at the Khan Academy It seems there is an age old mystery about how a child will create words and phrases they were never exposed to. Also on a different tangent a child will take from time to time learn an action than initiate variations and take it a step farther. These type of events suggest we all are born with the basic traits of creativity.

Being creative doesn't necessarily your an artist, musician, or whatever. It means you do what the root of the word suggest. You create. When you do something even as simple as rearranging your desk, you are showing the ability to be creative. You can learn to draw in some fashion. It's when you take it beyond the drawing of that line and make whatever you are applying imagination. Imagination is that intuitive sense we all have that fuels the vision to see beyond what is in front of you and leads you down the path of creativity. Learning the basics is fine. Taking them even a little bit farther is creativity at work. You are expanding the boundaries and going to the next level.

What I am saying is we all have in us the ability to create. Introducing any form of variation or newness is creativity. It is already intertwined with our mesh of synapses and neurons that lace though out our brains. And an interesting fact is we can develop it our by exercising it like we do our muscles as well as feeding it by learning. Two free tools online to do just that are and the previously mentioned Khan Academy. And I am sure there are more. In conclusion creativity is the product of being innate and learned and the boundaries are limitless.

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