Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Wisdom We Acquire

Remember the days old when we knew everything? We know now we barely knew enough just to get by. Oh how we've grown. I think the process is referred to as maturity. If you live long enough it puts you through the ringer. That my friends is how one gains wisdom.

The truth about the more you know
The process of learning can be quite annoying. Why? Simply, if you truly get the gist of the art of living and knowledge you come to a realization. The more you know, the more you comprehend there's even more to know out there. The process of obtaining knowledge is neverending.

Is all knowledge considered wisdom?
I'm unclear about that. You see relationships and the perception of knowledge evolve. At one point you are deemed wise and all knowing. Over time that degrades. At times you can be lowered to the rank of being judged outright stupid. Well, I guess if I do possess that knowledge, I have gained some wisdom.
But I believe wisdom evolves from knowledge. At times wisdom is a form of self preservation especially when it comes to relationships. Lord knows I've been lauded for my lack of knowledge and have had the wisdom to hold my tongue about it.

In finality
Besides payback being a ...well you know. Wisdom teaches us many lessons. One is humility. Two is when to look the other way. Three is …. and I can go on and on. You see the real knowledge to wisdom ratio is derive from learning the how, when and where of application.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Balance And Wholeness

We equate balance in life with the goodness of wholeness. We believe one begets the other. In truth the much more to this equation than meets the eye. In part it is a derivative of the coming together like pieces in a puzzle forming that beautiful picture we see on the box. In actuality we are that box.

Yoga, Pilates, and Meditation
In essence these are tools to nurture the core. In doing so we create a personal balance as well as build wholeness on both the physical and mental levels. Each are proported to achieve and or maintain wellness. A much sort after component of the dynamic duo.

Another key piece of the puzzle. Even if you have no allergies, foods of many sorts can contribute or offset balance and wholeness. It could by a food type or the totality of our consumption at times. Everyone has experienced the after effects of the so-called comfort foods at times. The results can be not so comforting. Then of course there are the power foods that are supposed to invigorate and fuel the body to greatness. And sometimes no matter what you do there's nothing like a good laxative or antacid.

Nurturing of the mind
This is achieved through a variety of ways. One is the accumulation of knowledge. Another is the exploration through the world of imagination. The expression of creativity builds self worth which again is an important component of balance and wholeness. Performing task that challenge the mind contributes to self development, yet again a much need puzzle piece. The more we expand our horizons and mental capacities the closer we get to completing the picture.

The path taken

It varies because despite it all each person being an individual has to seek the ways and methods best suited for them. Each path one takes has so many variables that present us with twists and turns the come in many shapes and forms. For that reason there is no cut and dried or written in stone rules and regulations that fit everyone. The how of achieving balance and wholeness for you and I are contoured by the elements that comprise the many aspects that configure our physical and mental make up. It is due to these factors as well as circumstances and outside forces that make the journey in totality unique to the person.

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A Shrinking World

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Fluid Existence

What comprises you and the quality of life you lead? Believe it or not much it depends on the type of person you are. Are a cup half full or half empty kind of thinker? Where your objectivity and views on life originate from plays an important part on creating the concepts the make up you the person

Me the people
More accurately the person you are today is not the person you were. We react and change as does the world around us. We perceive we stay the same throughout life, but that's an illusion. Your views and ideals evolve. Even your principles range from being tweaked a bit to becoming totally opposite. You may not realize it but in some aspects of the being called you the not only have changed in some way but you have actually shed some and added new ones.

It's just a matter of course from experiencing life and living. Are you a better person or a worse one? Are you getting more out of life or little? The answers change day to day and aspect to aspect. Your existence is fluid and you have no control of that. Change is a constant of life. It takes place around us and within us.

At time we fight it
We try to resist the flow of change within and without. When we do, it disrupts everything about us. That in itself creates change in attitude and outlook. It can even cause moods swings. That in turn creates turbulence again within you and around you. The flow of change is as unavoidable as aging. You can resist it all you want but it's going to happen to you. Challenge it as much as you want. The fact is it is going to happen to you. There's two ways to face it. One is through acceptance. The other is through resistance.

A little known fact about change
You can modify the changes that are taking place. It takes work and the proper attitude but you have that power. For example age and health bring physical change. Exercise and nutrition are just some of the ways to take them on. I am a living example. I have gone from being 90% paralyzed with a prognosis of little recovery to spearheading workout sessions for the disabled. I am living proof you can take on change and direct the flow of life and living. The truth is we all have the keys to empower ourselves to grow and create and direct the flow of change affecting each and everyone of us. The main keys are desire and the will to take action.

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Conscious Space

Image courtesy of marin at

What is the room you favor in your home or apartment? Go stand there near the center if you can. What do you feel as you look around the space as a whole? Now, narrow your perspective. Try to go item by item letting yourself feel the emotion association with each item.

Are you letting yourself feel?
What are the types of attachments experienced to each item. Are they mixed? Do some things give you a high? Does it empower you? Maybe something makes you feel comfortable. Could it be some of the items feel like they are just there. They have no special reason for being there. They are just where they are with no rhyme or reason.

Do you feel clutter?
Does anything feel out of place? It just clogs the room. Ask yourself, “Why do I need this?” The answer “ I just do” doesn't justify it in your space does it? That's what closets are for. Better yet, Goodwill might even be a more appropriate place. Taking out the clutter breathes life into your space.

In defining your space

It introduces practicality and feeling. It empowers you. You actually, work, play, and think with more clarity. Yes, you even stay healthier and there are studies to prove this. Now, this doesn't exactly work for shared space. It has to be your personal space exclusively. Otherwise, without the consideration of the other party or parties things can go south real quick. People are basically territorial even in shared space.

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