Thursday, February 27, 2014

Can Creativity Be Taught

This is a subject that interests everyone. Who has sat down to doodle and draw at one time or another thought their life? Or maybe tried to assemble a model, picked up a craft of one sort or another at a store? The answer is just about everyone. Why? Because not only are people creativity curious, it's an innate function of child development.

Maybe you are asking the wrong question
It's not can I be taught to be creative? It's more about developing a how can I do this mindset. Usually this mindset is born out of necessity. For instant I have a brother that taught himself creative forms of home repair and auto repair. Sure he needed guidance at times but by using creativity he built out his ability to problem solve many other fixes. He had no formal training in these area, but by the power of creative deduction he found his way.

It's not unlike babies
Nobody shows a child to climb out of a crib, playpen, or gate. Yet most do. Parents have reported incidents where children learning how to talk have strung together coherent word combinations they have never been exposed to. The mind begins applying creativity by learning and improvising naturely.

So, can creativity be taught?
The answer is yes. The reason is we have been developing the tools to do so our whole lives. The desire to learn something and take it to the next level is proof that not only do we possess the ability, but we have what it takes to apply it to different areas and interest we have in life. We take creativity and use the tool of knowledge to make creativity a force in our everyday lives.

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An Example of the Creative Being

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Problem Revisited

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What you should Know

Creativity and knowledge are the foundation for creating success as the outcome of whatever you quest for it is you are striving to achieve. It all starts with the seed called vision

VISION-Mateusz M



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Rich Naran Posts

Creativity A Life Necessity

Use Your Imagination

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sources of Wisdom

Most people are always in the pursuit of wisdom. While there are some that consider themselves the almighty sage of life and knowledge, the true wise person is always in search for answers. And life itself gives us many reasons to do so.

That memorable slogan
A very longtime ago a former girlfriend and I were perusing through a collection of posters hanging on a rack in a store. We came across one with the picture of a monkey grasping his head. The slogan read, “Just when I though I had all the answers, they changed the questions.”

We are that monkey
Due the fact a staple of life and living is change, there is always a need to seek new answers. That is why we are blessed with the tools of creativity and knowledge. We use creativity to find, tap into, and even create the answers that bring us knowledge. At times we are the monkey grasping our heads in disbelief we are confronted with yet another situation we have no experience to have had gathered the knowledge to draw upon in order to deal with it. But seriously, that's life playing out as it was meant to.

The answer to seeking answers
Be the monkey. Come to grip with the fact we can't possibly know it all. Though we do all know a person or two that will never develop that comprehension. We have to be wiser than that. We have to have the flexibility and versatility to know when and seek out the how to obtain the wisdom we will always be desperate need of.

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About That Inner Voice

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Quest For Who I Am

Ever stop, think and ask yourself “Who am I”? Of course that probably is a rhetorical question for most of you and I for that matter. There are times when it seems to all fall in place. Yet, in contrast there are those times when it all seems to be coming apart at the seams. It's those moments of the latter the usually bring on the self reflection.

The reflection in the mirror
You look at it but it doesn't reveal who you are. The person you are seeing is on the outside. The person who you are comes from the inside. Changing your hairstyle, growing a beard, changing your make up application and other superficial changes don't tell you or anyone else who you the the person are.

I know what does
What you do, say, and treat others say a lot about who you are. They are your representation of you the person are in part. I say in part because they also contain components of that facade we each perpetrate. Why, because we all have those things that inside of us we keep private.

About the open book claim
We like to think we represent this affectation. And for many of us we do our best to live this way. Still, there will always be the inner turmoils, conflicts, and “what nots” we hold close to the vest. No matter how hard you and I included deny it, these elements exists.

Is their an end to the quest?
In a word, “No.” There is good reason. Humans are exposed to a constant barrage of experiences, changes and new stimuli. We by natural are constantly evolving. So, in essence the “who am I” today may not be exactly the “who am I” tomorrow. But don't worry. In a way you'll always be the you who you are.

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The No Thing