Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First Impressions Can Be Revisited

We have all been taught about the value of giving a first impression. Yet we have all heard stories or even experienced the value of second chances. Yet , it seems most are stuck on that first impression idealism. Of course until it happens to us.

First Impressions Revisited
The value of being openminded and being predisposed to giving second chances. I once had a nice boss who admitted I was too good to be true. That was his first impression. One day he called me into his office after a half year on the job. The conversation went something like this. He confessed his first impression. Then, he admitted testing seven days to forever. Next he admitted I passed every test he could imagine. To his dismay his first impression was right and wrong at the same time. I was too good but it was true. In fact he wasted his time testing me.

The moral of the story

Give people a chance especially if you want someone to give you that same chance. In fact my first impression was he was a hardass and possibly a jerk. He proved me wrong, so I guess it was a reciprocal situation. He proved to be personable and honest. So, it went both ways. Though he never stopped testing me, I never stopped testing him. Despite it all we remained friends. Why, because we kept giving each other second chances.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Same Difference(s)

I used to cringe when some someone spouted the words “Same Difference”. Then my world opened up and I began to become exposed to different cultures and religions. And what I found was we shared much of the same ideals and yes same differences.

Are We Really That different?
No we are not. We all are individuals with hopes and dreams. We want the best for ourselves and our families. Think about it, what more is there really?

Yes There Are Differences

What we have to think about are they really major? (I'm not talking about the ISIS situation) My Facebook and Twitter communities span the globe. We share and speak our minds in a friendly way. Actually both abound with positivity. And we share one thing respect and friendship. And I have to say I don't see that all the time in the communities I live and have lived in. Which makes you wonder why.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Puzzle

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Life Shifts

Change can take place whether are not they are ones we are working for. Their called “Life Shifts”. They can not only compliment changes we want but they can be of their own doing. As many times as not they can be for the positive.

It can set the tone for how these changes affect you, your life and those around you. Another word for mindset is perception. How you perceive change can make all the difference in the world. Of course judging too soon can be detrimental to the change process.

My Friend

He had a good life for him where he was, but as is human nature he wasn't satisfied. Mainly, because during the years things changed around him and he refused to accept them. So, he moved in search of the things that once made him happy. He never gave the change a chance thus never finding the happiness he longed for. Now, he is moving again. Again looking to create change to find the same things he lost. While I wish him well he somewhere along the line to has come to terms with not only his own changes but the life shifts that will take place around him. If not seeking more change to find happiness will forever elude him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Me Me Me The Call For You

Safely Centering Yourself

    I read an article and it talked about safely centering yourself for sensitive people. I sat back and thought on it. In my mind isn't that what everyone needs sensitive or not?

You and Me
We need to have a handle on ourselves even when things are spiraling out of control. It's called being self-centric. And applied properly that's a good thing. For the record it has no relation to being self-centered the selfish thing. It's more like an improvisational dancer where it's about the dance and the person performing.

Getting a Grip

Or holding it together to gain a better perspective. Especially in troubled times, we need to create the glue that keeps us together. Some call it perseverance. Where is it found? Within you and me the person.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Injecting Positivity

A mood of positivity can be shattered by one word of negativity. If you let it. Sure you have to dig deep but it's worth it.
Worth is the key. Hanging true to your self worth will take you far. Have belief in your value!

I had a dream
I dreamt that I had a landlord who remodeled the place I was in splitting it up into new apartments. Also in the dream I was in the midst of making a break through in my own life. My self belief and worth got me through in this dream. I held on to that personal positivity to get though.

Only a dream?
Not really, it was not only the reflection of reality but a test of my self worth. You see the reality of what I am carried through into my dreamtime dilemma. My daily flow of positivity filtered into what one might have called a nightmare. In truth it ended up pretty well in the end.

What you make yourself
Yes you are the key. Work at defeating negative thoughts. I was one said too me “if you can't embrace the positive, then don't you don't have the right to criticize.” Make yourself find the good before you address the bad. It's there all you have to do is use your inner positivity to change your mindset.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Defining Home

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Creatively Turning Negativity Into Positivity

We start with positive intentions, but things go wrong. It may seem to be negative because of the originating positivity. But maybe we should stop and think on it. Why, because the deeper we look the more our perspectives might just change.

Behind The Scenes
The research, planning and effort are powerhouses toward turning negativity into positivity. You're thinking, “Hows that possible?” Was the research good and well conducted? Was the plan well organized? Did you give it full and complete effort? The answers to those questions will teach us something positive. That is if we are truthful with ourselves.

The MLM Seminar
My friend Tom brought me to a seminar about a multilevel marketing system backed by a major well known communication company at the time. The usual took place with presentations by leaders. They spoke the usual talk about the money they had made and to yet be made. I had been involved in one or two before and found a glaring flaw in their plan. The upside was just joining meant being able to save money on your phone bill no matter what. The hundred dollar investment paid for itself and more. That alone made it worthwhile. So I did join up and saved three times the value over a course of the year. Afterwards I explained the flaws in their plan I learned from experience to my friend. He lectured me on how my negativity was bringing him down and how he needed not discuss it anymore until he worked their plan. Weeks later Tom owned up, I was right. Since he didn't have a phone his investment was lost. He learned not only to listen to experience, but better understood the downside of the MLM program. The positivity comes from his learning to get the full story and all the facts before throwing into any such program because they won't give you a balance picture at any presentation.

The Key
Lessons are to be taken away no matter the outcome. That is the least that can happen to turn negativity into positivity.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Anger and You and I

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Open Ourselves to Willingness

Sometimes it's a feeling or the course of the day and the urge toward willingness is blocked. The obstacle is self made and it's up to you and me the individual to open ourselves to willingness. And there are reasons that we can achieve this on our own.

We tend to view blocks as solids such as rocks or brickwalls. In reality they are smoke or fog which can be addressed with a mental fan. The kind of mental fan is one that suits you bests at that particular time and place. The fan is made up by your change in perception. Make the undoable doable by opening ourselves to willingness.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Climb That Mountain

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Give Positive Meaning To Everything --Creativity

That is a quote from a Tony Robbins article aptly named “6 Insights from Tony Robbins.” I read this point, I believe number 2, and I didn't know whether to actuate this in a serious manner of not. The article is more aimed toward sales reps but can really by applied to many areas in life. I will also admit, I have sort of a respectful love/hate perception of the Tony Robbins Empire. Yet, you always have to admire a man who created his level of achievement.

But don't discount yourself
You have created many achievements in life. I know you probably don't have that perception about yourself. Or maybe you do whether it's even just a little inkling or a major daily mindset. Some called it attitude. I call it self motivation actuated (my word of the day) by your own grasp of the creativity and knowledge that you apply and accumulate everyday.

Something else
Give yourself your due. Do things that leave a trail of positive meaning that says, it's from you. Now it's not conceit by any means. It's the combination of self realization and that worldsphere you interact with. About that worldsphere, you have the power to grow it. In short the “Give Positive Meaning To Everything” credo includes you.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Care with Words

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Balance and The Reality of Life and Living

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Watching Through The Window

We all know the world is in constant motion on many different levels. The two differing celestial levels. Revolving around the Sun and rotating while journeying on its path. It's not just the planet it's the lifeforms on it up to and including the ones designated as people. I used to live in a place where the living room had this giant street level picture window.

On my rocker
Well actually, in my office/lounge chair I would watch as people went pass. Some on foot. Others by car, motorcycle or even bicycle. Some alone with the look of determination. Others conversing with a companion or two. And yes there were the obligatory drivers on cellphone talking and or texting along. All with their own agendas oblivious to all round them and particularly if you ever asked one of them oblivious to me watching.

It's a scientific fact
A person can only process up to two instances unfolding around them. If you don't believe that have three or four people talk to you at the same time about different subjects. Even for the most acute the most one can process of the four is two. Many who do will have inaccuracies in the recounting of those conversations.

Back at the picture window
I was seeing what was really parts of many things as a whole. From there I would even grasps bits of knowledge and create little stories and articles as a whole. All the while was world was spinning as it paced itself around the Sun.

The point
We all have the vision into the world thru that big picture window of our own choosing. And even if we are looking at the same thing, somehow our collections will vary and yet still have degree of accuracy.
Why because it's all subjective to your personal perception. And at times that's colored by our interpretations sometimes called opinion. Now think a moment. This rotating roundish ball of mud and other such things racing through space contains millions or may billions of these perceptions and opinions taking place at one time at any given moment. Now armed with this knowledge do you think you can spare a moment to create a perception or form an opinion on how you can express a creative way to make someone else's day just a little bit better at any particular time you perceive would be just the right time? Look out the picuture window of your choosing and think about it.

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The Process of Achieving

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Value In Timeliness

You cannot do a kindness too soon,
for you never know how soon it will be too late.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

He who hesitates when seeing someone in need often regrets their own lack of action. That statement is not only a truism but it is also a proven common daily event. And the question is why?

A pattern of behavior
Studies have been performed that prove the more people present and witness a situation in a person needs assistance the less likely someone will step forward to help. People will film or take pictures of the event but they won't lend a hand to help the person in trouble.

A sad show of reality
I recently took a course centering on human behavior. In one lecture section we were shown a video of an elderly person crossing a busy street. There was quite a few pedestrians present. The person was hit by a car and continued to lay in the way of the flowing traffic. People can be seen watching and pointing before turning away. Cars would continue on jockeying around the victim lying in the street. A couple of cars nicked the person stopped for a few seconds then continued on. Even more startling was the person filming the event was close enough to take action but instead continued to record it. Did the victim live or die? It appeared no one present seem to care.

In opposition
A similar event was shown. It was also filmed. The difference was the was only one person other than the cameraman on the scene. That person without hesitation rushed out halted traffic and began to give assistance to the victim.

The facts
We were assured neither event was staged. As I noted studies have been conducted to back up the reality behind both events being established patterns in human behavior. That brings up some questions about those who took the course which includes myself and you who are reading this presentation. Unlike the course I chose to start off with the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. For those that took the course will you if encountering a situation where a person is in need be more inclined to buck the trend and offer assistance no matter what? For those of you who read this piece including the quote, with this knowledge will you create change and enact a show of kindness.

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Self Belief

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Stigma of Poverty

I'll just have you read the quote embellished on the image of Norman Mailer. Poverty is a worldly problem. It is indigenous to all countries. It is a plight that sucks innocent people into a cycle few of the entrapped ever break free of. And what's worse is that the more affluent feed off it.

The Joys of Jamaica
Being of the marrying kind (twice and I'm sure there's another in waiting somewhere) I spent one honeymoon (short lived trust me) at a resort in Jamaica. I love to horseback ride. Where ever I go Puerto Rico, Atlanta, Florida, anywhere I look for a facility to go horseback riding. It always is a highlight of any trip for me. Well me and my “divorce to be” did so. Part of the ride included a trip through a backwoods area. All the shelters were slapped together corrugated rusty metal shacks with no electric or plumbing. The people would come out to see us and wave. Who knows when their last meal or what their last meal was. For me, what should have been a tremendous highlight became a sickening slap in the face. You see we were vacationing in opulence right next to a shanty town wallowing in filth and poverty. The abundance of food thrown away in a day by our resort could have fed these people for a month. And just to think they had to barely get by through the yearly hurricane season in these metal hovels while elegant shelter stood a stone's throw away.

It's no different elsewhere
Years ago a supermarket chain commissioned a study that found a full time worker with a family of four qualified for government assistance. Yeah, that's here in the good old USA. One of our glorious fast food chain that happens to make billions had it's employee helpline advise workers to apply for government assistance. A food chain brought in a new CEO to guide the company out of bankruptcy. In less than two years the chain went under and it's rumored that the CEO was listed as a creditor, his severance package wasn't large enough. It's a quite common practice for businesses flourishing in the millions and billions to offer low pay to those who really are the reason the companies profit.

And so the cycle of poverty persists
There's something wrong in the overall business model where the main company flourishes and the workers barely get by. One theme a chain store promoted to it's employees was to shop there, show your support and company pride. The problem was most couldn't afford to. We can only create change when companies start paying on a scale that allows the employees to share in some way in the profits. Many smaller businesses do and they don't rake in that of the higher profit stores and businesses. But their employees are happier, stay longer, and seem to afford a better lifestyles.

Poverty In America (Full Feature) from Rich Naran on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What Have I Done For Mr Lately?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Acceptance: The Good Way and The Bad Way

A Semi-Satirical Analysis

We are experiencing hard times here at home in the USA. They are nothing compared to the situation in Syria or Durfar. Still, we have the highest percentage of poverty per capita among what's called as the developed nations. A point supported by Jeffery Sachs author of “The End of Poverty.”

A question asked
During one of the previous presidential debates a woman in the audience asked why if we have the problems (poverty, hunger and so on) in our own country why do we send billions in aide overseas? As you can imagine the answers were all over the map in many ways. Still, they all gave a valid reason for the practice. To further the point almost all the analysis from political commentators supported the explanations in their feedback. Note, I said almost all. I didn't check in with Ann Coulter nor do I intend to.

We do this in everyday life
We question things around us, about us, and within us. And at times our inner self, the political analyst within comes up with either a true acceptance or finds a self justified acceptance for either our actions or stances on a concerned issue. In other words some of these are valued truisms and others closer to the line of being a form of lies.

The heart of the matter
A common theme in my research in the field of creativity lately is that it was found that most creative people are the best liars. Not just from a few sources but from a large majority. And the articles and reports almost always were slanted as if to say that was a good thing. For me, this both acceptance in a good way and a bad way. Why, because it steals the luster from being a creative person. Not one of these sources gave justification for indicating being a liar is a good thing other than being an adjunct to the creative personality. Also it not a good personal representation of the person called me.

My conclusion
We must then categorize politicians as part of the creative community. Which could possibly be the only point Ann Coulter and I may ever be in agreement with. Which I will say I resent but I don't know if it's due to the former or the latter or maybe both. So, in line with being contrary to the title of this article I can't decide whether any of this can be labeled “Acceptance- The Good Way and The Bad Way.” The reason why is I reject it all even Ann Coulter except the point of the existence of a high level of poverty in America.. I do have acceptance that we have the resources and the ability to either reduce this aberration or eliminate it. And I will add I do not have acceptance in the fact it even exists at all. We have the creativity and the knowledge to end this plight. Maybe one of the questions at the aforementioned debate should have been “Why aren't we doing so?”

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Power of Color

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Can Creativity Be Taught

This is a subject that interests everyone. Who has sat down to doodle and draw at one time or another thought their life? Or maybe tried to assemble a model, picked up a craft of one sort or another at a store? The answer is just about everyone. Why? Because not only are people creativity curious, it's an innate function of child development.

Maybe you are asking the wrong question
It's not can I be taught to be creative? It's more about developing a how can I do this mindset. Usually this mindset is born out of necessity. For instant I have a brother that taught himself creative forms of home repair and auto repair. Sure he needed guidance at times but by using creativity he built out his ability to problem solve many other fixes. He had no formal training in these area, but by the power of creative deduction he found his way.

It's not unlike babies
Nobody shows a child to climb out of a crib, playpen, or gate. Yet most do. Parents have reported incidents where children learning how to talk have strung together coherent word combinations they have never been exposed to. The mind begins applying creativity by learning and improvising naturely.

So, can creativity be taught?
The answer is yes. The reason is we have been developing the tools to do so our whole lives. The desire to learn something and take it to the next level is proof that not only do we possess the ability, but we have what it takes to apply it to different areas and interest we have in life. We take creativity and use the tool of knowledge to make creativity a force in our everyday lives.

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An Example of the Creative Being

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Problem Revisited

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What you should Know

Creativity and knowledge are the foundation for creating success as the outcome of whatever you quest for it is you are striving to achieve. It all starts with the seed called vision

VISION-Mateusz M



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Creativity A Life Necessity

Use Your Imagination

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sources of Wisdom

Most people are always in the pursuit of wisdom. While there are some that consider themselves the almighty sage of life and knowledge, the true wise person is always in search for answers. And life itself gives us many reasons to do so.

That memorable slogan
A very longtime ago a former girlfriend and I were perusing through a collection of posters hanging on a rack in a store. We came across one with the picture of a monkey grasping his head. The slogan read, “Just when I though I had all the answers, they changed the questions.”

We are that monkey
Due the fact a staple of life and living is change, there is always a need to seek new answers. That is why we are blessed with the tools of creativity and knowledge. We use creativity to find, tap into, and even create the answers that bring us knowledge. At times we are the monkey grasping our heads in disbelief we are confronted with yet another situation we have no experience to have had gathered the knowledge to draw upon in order to deal with it. But seriously, that's life playing out as it was meant to.

The answer to seeking answers
Be the monkey. Come to grip with the fact we can't possibly know it all. Though we do all know a person or two that will never develop that comprehension. We have to be wiser than that. We have to have the flexibility and versatility to know when and seek out the how to obtain the wisdom we will always be desperate need of.

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About That Inner Voice

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Quest For Who I Am

Ever stop, think and ask yourself “Who am I”? Of course that probably is a rhetorical question for most of you and I for that matter. There are times when it seems to all fall in place. Yet, in contrast there are those times when it all seems to be coming apart at the seams. It's those moments of the latter the usually bring on the self reflection.

The reflection in the mirror
You look at it but it doesn't reveal who you are. The person you are seeing is on the outside. The person who you are comes from the inside. Changing your hairstyle, growing a beard, changing your make up application and other superficial changes don't tell you or anyone else who you the the person are.

I know what does
What you do, say, and treat others say a lot about who you are. They are your representation of you the person are in part. I say in part because they also contain components of that facade we each perpetrate. Why, because we all have those things that inside of us we keep private.

About the open book claim
We like to think we represent this affectation. And for many of us we do our best to live this way. Still, there will always be the inner turmoils, conflicts, and “what nots” we hold close to the vest. No matter how hard you and I included deny it, these elements exists.

Is their an end to the quest?
In a word, “No.” There is good reason. Humans are exposed to a constant barrage of experiences, changes and new stimuli. We by natural are constantly evolving. So, in essence the “who am I” today may not be exactly the “who am I” tomorrow. But don't worry. In a way you'll always be the you who you are.

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The No Thing

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creativity, Words, Artistry And You

Creativity, Words, Artistry and You

"One picture is worth a thousand words," said an ancient Chinese;
but it may take 10,000 words to validate it.”

More people are familiar with the David Gates and Bread lyrics:

If a pictures worth a 1,000 words
Then how can I paint you

Different words interpreting a similar ideal about dissimilar subjects. Hardin's was about more worldly dissertation. Gates and Bread were immortalizing the value of being in love.

The source
Inner creativity applied to the expression of thought. Each one molded their words to artfully express their feelings. I do it. You do it. All as an everyday part of living out our day. Being that this is a natural process, it proves something I've been saying for many years. Creativity is an innate part of the human experience. In other words you are the source.

What you need to know
While you can be taught a creative pursuit, only you can make it yours. Picasso went through adversely differing periods of artistic expression. Musicians who made their mark in one music genre crossover into others and create even more success. Rock balladeer Rod Stewart is a recent example that comes to mind. What you need to know is this is not exclusive to any person or form of artistry. Did you know that the crooner Frank Sinatra was also dabbled as a painter?

You are the point
You are a vessel for many types of creativity. You can actually pick and choose until you find your personal form of expression. Can you become a virtuoso or a star? How do you know your not already. Dabble, play, explore, whatever. Just don't forget to look within you and don't worry about the world at large. Afterall it's your expression, so take ownership.

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Moving Forward

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Internet Glut

The internet is “the worldwide go to media.” The variety of material runs the gambit from the terrifically composed to out right garbage. The plagism is rampant. I myself have articles written in english hanging on word for word on a Japanese blog pics included. The stupidity of it all was the company I wrote them form asked me to verify the original materials were mine. That's after posting them for up to three years. The tip off was the dope put his own publish date on them. Which should have been the first tip off for the company.

To infinity and beyond
As much as there is there is room for more. And there are endless possibilities yet to be explored. As much as there is there is room for more. There are ideas yet to be explored. Opportunities yet to be discovered. Yes there is an Internet glut. Unfortunately,much of it is unimaginative, rehash and yes useless. For instance many of the superstars of five years ago are gone by the wayside. Why, because they taught methods that couldn't withstand change. On top of that they were overused and beat to death. Those that remain are those that embraced change and applied it to their teachings. In fact through their diligence came up with new venues.

And beyond that even more
While we are no longer in the frontier days of the internet world, we are on the edge of an evolving technology. What are the possibilities? Well, that's were you come in. Apply your own touch with creativity and knowledge and you will uncover those possibilities. Explore, apply, try, fail, succeed, but don't ever given up. Thomas Edison claimed he experienced thousands of failures that lead him to thousands of successes. 

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The Definition of Experience

Friday, January 10, 2014

Your Online Presence

Ok your online with a blog, website or whatever, the fact is you want to establish an online presence. The first question is if your in the early stages is “what exactly am I trying to say?” And if you've been at it a while “am I projecting what I aiming for?”

What is your underlying message?
In the old days they would tell you to outline a mission statement. When you comprise your first original statement as you go through the process you keep refer back. As you go through the process you'll find you'll be changing it. Keep in mind even after you're established that statement will morph and change as your goals and purpose does.

Self re-evaluation
This should be a weekly task you perform. Why? You discover many things are going on. You may be wandering off course. Sometimes that's for the better and sometimes it for the worse. If your are changing in response to your customer or following base that's a good thing. Then it's time to tweak that old mission statement. If your getting off track because you're trying to be creative. Then, it's time to dial back and examine the how and why you're off course.

Never assume your know all about your niche
Always read up on your niche. Spend time in forums the share ideas about your field. Sure don't be afraid to be creative and try new things. You might just find your mission statement is out of step. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to maintaining an online presence. As you grow in creativity and knowledge, so will your presence. So have faith, you are on the path to success.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Fear Of Being Wrong

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Blurred Lines

Technology has made this a much smaller and blended world. Old ways and new ways are intermingling bringing differing societies closer together. As immortal as time there will always exist a conflict of ideals at any given time and place. Some to be expected and some catch us totally of guard. It stands as a matter of course they will happen.

Generations and change
First of all every generation makes it's own contribution toward the evolution of all the differing societies. As the generations change hands so does their contribution toward the blurring of the lines. The lines that were once thought to bring delineation and uniqueness the separated opposing societies. It is also the same aspects that made each so special on to it's own.

A newness creates friction
The friction occurs not just between young and old. It happens between the factions who form their own interpretations of previously set ideals. The truth is the blurring of lines most likely were in effect long before they were noticed. It's a natural process of the ever evolving societies.

That's the bottom line of survival among people. With it comes the burden of respect for that which we don't believe in. You don't have to understand it all, but it helps. So does the giving of recognition of another to carry different beliefs and ways in going about life. And give in a little and say it's okay. I'm okay and your okay. You do the because you have to give with the expectation of the same in return. Then again it is a utopian ideal forging its way in a non-utopian world.

The New Years Lion

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