Friday, September 19, 2014

The Same Difference(s)

I used to cringe when some someone spouted the words “Same Difference”. Then my world opened up and I began to become exposed to different cultures and religions. And what I found was we shared much of the same ideals and yes same differences.

Are We Really That different?
No we are not. We all are individuals with hopes and dreams. We want the best for ourselves and our families. Think about it, what more is there really?

Yes There Are Differences

What we have to think about are they really major? (I'm not talking about the ISIS situation) My Facebook and Twitter communities span the globe. We share and speak our minds in a friendly way. Actually both abound with positivity. And we share one thing respect and friendship. And I have to say I don't see that all the time in the communities I live and have lived in. Which makes you wonder why.

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