Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Life Shifts

Change can take place whether are not they are ones we are working for. Their called “Life Shifts”. They can not only compliment changes we want but they can be of their own doing. As many times as not they can be for the positive.

It can set the tone for how these changes affect you, your life and those around you. Another word for mindset is perception. How you perceive change can make all the difference in the world. Of course judging too soon can be detrimental to the change process.

My Friend

He had a good life for him where he was, but as is human nature he wasn't satisfied. Mainly, because during the years things changed around him and he refused to accept them. So, he moved in search of the things that once made him happy. He never gave the change a chance thus never finding the happiness he longed for. Now, he is moving again. Again looking to create change to find the same things he lost. While I wish him well he somewhere along the line to has come to terms with not only his own changes but the life shifts that will take place around him. If not seeking more change to find happiness will forever elude him.

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