Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Fluid Existence

What comprises you and the quality of life you lead? Believe it or not much it depends on the type of person you are. Are a cup half full or half empty kind of thinker? Where your objectivity and views on life originate from plays an important part on creating the concepts the make up you the person

Me the people
More accurately the person you are today is not the person you were. We react and change as does the world around us. We perceive we stay the same throughout life, but that's an illusion. Your views and ideals evolve. Even your principles range from being tweaked a bit to becoming totally opposite. You may not realize it but in some aspects of the being called you the not only have changed in some way but you have actually shed some and added new ones.

It's just a matter of course from experiencing life and living. Are you a better person or a worse one? Are you getting more out of life or little? The answers change day to day and aspect to aspect. Your existence is fluid and you have no control of that. Change is a constant of life. It takes place around us and within us.

At time we fight it
We try to resist the flow of change within and without. When we do, it disrupts everything about us. That in itself creates change in attitude and outlook. It can even cause moods swings. That in turn creates turbulence again within you and around you. The flow of change is as unavoidable as aging. You can resist it all you want but it's going to happen to you. Challenge it as much as you want. The fact is it is going to happen to you. There's two ways to face it. One is through acceptance. The other is through resistance.

A little known fact about change
You can modify the changes that are taking place. It takes work and the proper attitude but you have that power. For example age and health bring physical change. Exercise and nutrition are just some of the ways to take them on. I am a living example. I have gone from being 90% paralyzed with a prognosis of little recovery to spearheading workout sessions for the disabled. I am living proof you can take on change and direct the flow of life and living. The truth is we all have the keys to empower ourselves to grow and create and direct the flow of change affecting each and everyone of us. The main keys are desire and the will to take action.

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Out of Balance

In Choosing The Unknown

Channeling Fear

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